Friday, 6 November 2015

Ovid, Ibis: what to say to someone whom you dislike.

It is unknown who the Ibis in Ovid’s poem Ibis is, but we all know people to whom we would gladly apply the curses and invectives with which this work is abounding. One reason for wrestling with an unhappy life is an ominous constellation of sun, moon and stars at one’s birth and according to Ovid, Ibis was born under such an unfortunate condition and he rubs it in with jealous making verbal virtuosity. We less gifted mortals can only learn these lines by heart and whenever we find someone we dislike in unhappy circumstances, recite it to our satisfaction.

Ovidius, Ibis, 207-222

Natus es infelix, - ita di voluere - nec ulla
     commoda nascenti stella levisve fuit.               210
Non Venus affulsit, non illa Iuppiter hora,
     lunaque non apto solque fuere loco,
nec satis utiliter positos tibi praebuit ignes
     quem peperit magno lucida Maia Iovi.
Te fera nec quicquam placidum spondentia Martis               215
     sidera presserunt falciferique senis.
Lux quoque natalis, ne quid nisi triste videres,
     turpis et inductis nubibus atra fuit.
Haec est, in fastis cui dat gravis Allia nomen,
     quaeque dies Ibin, publica damna, tulit.               220
Qui simul impura matris prolapsus ab alvo
     Cinyphiam foedo corpore pressit humum,
sedit in adverso nocturnus culmine bubo,
     funereoque graves edidit ore sonos.

voluere = voluerunt
commodus: easy, freindly
(tibi ) nascenti
affulgeo affulsi: to shine on
fuere = fuerunt
praebeo praebui praebitum: to give, offer, supply
(is), quem: i.e. Mercury, son of Maia and Jupiter
pario peperi partum: to give birth
lucida Maia:  Maia is one of the seven Pleiades
ferus: fierce
nec quicquam placidum spondentia: promising nothing peaceful
Martis sidera: honorific plural = Martis sidus = Mars
falciferi senis: and (the stars) of the sickle bearing old man. The old man is Saturn, who is often depicted with a sickle, with which he cuts away time.
lux natalis = dies natalis
ne quid nisi triste videres: in order that you would see nothing but sorrowful
turpis:  sombre, sad
induco induxi inductum: to bring, gather
ater atra atrum: black
haec est (dies), cui…et quae
fasti fastorum: list of official days, calendar
Allia: on June 18 or 18 in 387 or 390 BC the Romans were defeated by the Gauls near the banks of the river Allia. Subsequently the Gauls took in Rome. Hence dies alliensis `unlucke day’.
publica damna: a public disaster
tulit: brought to light, brought forth
simul: as soon as
impura: some editiors prefer the reading inpurae.
prolabor prolapsus sum: to slip
alvus (f!): womb
Cyniphius: African
foedus: repulsive, ugly
pressit humum: after the birth, the child was put on the ground. Once lifted up by the father it was recognized as legitimate.  This implication is of course that Ibis was not a legitimate child.
culmen culminis (n.): top (of a tree or a house)
bubo bubonis  (m.): owl
funereo ore: with a funeral voice
edo edidi editum: to bring forth, utter


Saturn by Polidoro da Caravaggio (c. 1499 – 1543)

Translation by A.S. Klyne (2003)

You were born unfortunate (the gods willed it so),
and no star was kind or beneficent at your birth.
Venus did not shine, nor Jupiter, in that hour,
neither Moon nor Sun were favourably placed,
nor did Mercury, whom that bright Maia bore
to great Jove, offer his fires in any useful aspect.
Cruel Mars that promises no peace, lowered down,
and that planet of aged Saturn, with his scythe.
And the day of your birth was dark and impure,
overcast with cloud, so you would only see sadness.
This is the day to which, in our history, the fatal
Allia gives it name: Ibis’s day brought ruin to our people.
As soon as he’d fallen from his mother’s foul
womb, his vile body lay on Cinyphian soil,
a night-owl sat over against him on the heights,
and uttered dire sounds in a funereal voice,.

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