Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Phaedrus 3.7: libertas.

Phaedrus, Fabulae 3, VII. Lupus ad Canem. Meter iambic.

Quam dulcis sit libertas breuiter proloquar.
Cani perpasto macie confectus lupus
forte occurrit; dein, salutati inuicem
ut restiterunt," Vnde sic, quaeso, nites?
Aut quo cibo fecisti tantum corporis?
Ego, qui sum longe fortior, pereo fame."
Canis simpliciter: "Eadem est condicio tibi,
praestare domino si par officium potes."
"Quod?" inquit ille. "Custos ut sis liminis,
a furibus tuearis et noctu domum.
Adfertur ultro panis; de mensa sua
dat ossa dominus; frusta iactat familia,
et quod fastidit quisque pulmentarium.
Sic sine labore uenter impletur meus."
"Ego uero sum paratus: nunc patior niues
imbresque in siluis asperam uitam trahens.
Quanto est facilius mihi sub tecto uiuere,
et otiosum largo satiari cibo!"
"Veni ergo mecum." Dum procedunt, aspicit
lupus a catena collum detritum cani.
"Vnde hoc, amice?" "Nil est." "Dic, sodes, tamen."
"Quia uideor acer, alligant me interdiu,
luce ut quiescam, et uigilem nox cum uenerit:
crepusculo solutus qua uisum est uagor."
"Age, abire si quo est animus, est licentia?"
"Non plane est" inquit. "Fruere quae laudas, canis;
regnare nolo, liber ut non sim mihi."

proloquor prolocutus: declare
perpastus: well fed
macies –es (f.): meagreness
conficio  confeci confectum: diminished , affected by
forte: by chanche
occurro occurri (occucurri) occursum (+ dat.): to meet
dein, salutati inuicem ut restiterunt: and next, when they halted for a mutual greeting (note that invicem is an adverb.)
unde sic nites?: from where do you shine that much? = why is it that you are so well fed?
tantum corperis: such a monster of a body
cibus: food
per-eo per-ii: to disappear, perish
simpliciter:  faithfully
tibi: is present for you
praesto officium: to fulfil a duty
par paris: equal, the same
si potes: if you want
custos ut etc: reply of the dog, `to be guardian of the entrance’ (Note that the speaker is not always indicated)
fur furis (m.): thief
tueor tutus: to guard
adfertur…meus: these lines are in some editions put between crepusculo…vagor and age…licentia, such as the that used for the translation below.
ultro: further, besides
frustum: piece, bit
fastidio: to feel disgust
pulmentarium: food
patior passus: to suffer
nix nivis (f.): snow
imber imbris (m.): (heavy) rain
vitam traho: to drag out one’s life
otiosus: doing nothing
satio (-are): to satiate, fill
a catena collum detritum: the neck rubbed away by the chain
Unde hoc?: How come?
sodes = si audes: please
acer acris: violent
alligo (-are): to bind, detain
luce: at day light
quiesco quievi: to rest
vigilo (-are): to watch, be awake
crepusculum: evening twilight, dusk
solvo solvi solutus: to release
qua visum est: where it seems (me well) = where I like it
vagor vagatus: to wander
abire si quo est animus, est licentia? = licentia est abiri siquo animus est?: is there license to go away wherever your mind is? (= wherever you like)
non plane est: certainly not
fruor fructus (here + acc.): to enjoy
canis: vocative
regnare nolo, liber ut non sim mihi: I don’t want to be king in order not to be free for my part (mihi dat. commodi)

Translation by Christopher Smart (1913)

The Dog and the Wolf
I will, as briefly as I may,
The sweets of liberty display.
A Wolf half famish'd, chanced to see
A Dog, as fat as dog could be:
For one day meeting on the road,
They mutual compliments bestowed:
" Prithee," says Isgrim, faint and weak,
"How came you so well fed and sleek ?
I starve, though stronger of the two."
" It will be just as well with you,"
The Dog quite cool and frank replied,
"If with my master you'll abide."
"For what ?" "Why merely to attend,
And from night thieves the door defend."
" I gladly will accept the post,
What! shall I bear with snow and frost
And all this rough inclement plight,
Rather than have a home at night,
And feed on plenty at my ease ?"
" Come, then, with me "-the Wolf agrees.
But as they went the mark he found,
Where the Dog's collar had been bound:
"What's this, my friend ?" "Why, nothing." "Nay,
Be more explicit, sir, I pray."
" I'm somewhat fierce and apt to bite,
Therefore they hold me pretty tight,
That in the day-time I may sleep,
And night by night my vigils keep.
At eveningtide they let me out,
And then I freely walk about:
Bread comes without a care of mine.
I from my master's table dine;
The servants throw me many a scrap,
With choice of pot-liquor to lap;
So, I've my bellyful, you find."
"But can you go where you've a mind?"
"Not always, to be flat and plain."
"Then, Dog, enjoy your post again,
For to remain this servile thing,
Old Isgrim would not be a king."